We are a group of dedicated parents who have volunteered to be advocates for full-time online public schooling in Colorado. We all have our own personal and diverse reasons for choosing this effective option in public education. Our common bond is the same however: we want nothing but the best possible education for our children, and online public schools to help us achieve that goal. 

Meet Our Board

Erika Taylor


The Taylors have been a K-12 Education enrolled family for 15 years including online, brick and mortar, charter and traditional schools. Erika has been an active participant throughout that time. Not only on behalf of her own kids but to support what she considers to be an invaluable asset; A neighborhood is only as good as it’s schools. Erika has served on Collaborative School Committees and PTAs at three schools in North Denver and is currently the Chairperson of the CSC at North High School. Erika’s professional work as a motivational interviewer in the wellness sphere serves her well in these positions. We have SO much to learn from each other if we are willing to really hear. Erika is excited to bring her energy in support of the pivotal to families mission of Colorado Coalition of Cyberschool Families.


Jessica Wurtsbaugh

Board Member

Born and raised in Washington State, Jessica has now lived half of her life here in Colorado, as a mother of three, Jessica Wurtsbaugh is thrilled to serve on the board of CCCF. Jessica attended public school, but was surrounded by friends that benefitted from the home school model. As a mom, Jessica saw the need for every child to have the opportunity to learn in an educational environment that best serves them. She is a strong advocate for educational choice!

Jessica and her husband became advocates for school choice by helping to establish a local K-12 charter school that their children attended. With the changes after 2020 Jessica’s family found other options to best serve them and their educational needs. They have now utilized in-person public charter school, online public charter school and concurrent enrollment options. Her oldest son is a senior in a concurrent enrollment program, while her two other sons are enrolled in an online program. She currently lives in Brighton with her husband Jake, her three boys and various animals.


Dawn Brodin

Board Member

Mother of three and Colorado resident for over two decades, Dawn is thrilled to serve on the CCCF board. For over a decade, Dawn has served on Parent Community Association and Parent Teacher Student Organization boards and currently also serves on a School Accountability Committee. Throughout her years of volunteering at various schools, Dawn has witnessed the benefits of different educational models serving the unique needs of her children and their peers. She is passionate about educational choice and the many benefits of online learning. Her children have utilized traditional public, public charter, online public and concurrent enrollment options as well as traditional homeschooling and online private school briefly during the pandemic. She currently lives in Centennial with her husband, Steve, their three children and their dog. Her two oldest currently attend an online concurrent enrollment program and her youngest attends an online public school. Dawn believes that every child should have the opportunity to learn in the environment that best serves them and helps them to thrive.